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Falcons Success Stories

The Knox Elite Basketball Development Program:

这是一个专注、有动力的学生运动员的地方,他们希望把自己的学术和篮球生涯提升到一个新的水平.  我们为高中和研究生球员提供了在我们的高级球员发展计划中成长和发展的机会. 

我们致力于培养学生运动员的全面发展, while giving them the coaching & 为他们职业生涯的下一步做准备的必要资源.  We will develop and challenge our young men on court, in the weight room, in the film room, and the mental game: 

  • Building strong character, teamwork, 以及那些坚持“12-7-4”战术的球员的领导能力. The results will come from the work we put in gym 
  • 培养高水平的篮球技能和知识,为你下一阶段的成功做好准备. 学习成为一名成功的大学球员所需要的习惯、纪律和术语 
  • 为游戏灌输激情和职业道德,这将为你在生活的各个方面取得成功做好准备
  • 在一个赢得过分区冠军和参加过NCAA锦标赛的体系中打球. We have a brand, “12-Seven-4”. We play hard, we play fast,  we play physical and we play smart
  • 我们将与国内任何一支充满挑战的球队比赛.  我们将参加全国排名的项目,并参加一些全国顶级锦标赛. 要成为最好的,你需要与最好的竞争并击败他们.

Player Development Philosophy

Player development is a cornerstone of our program. 我们的工作是充分培养我们的年轻人,让他们为成为一名严格的大学生运动员做好准备.

Our Basketball Program Philosophy Emphasizes:

The Fundamentals:  

  1. 掌握基本的篮球技巧,并学习在团队结构中使用它们
  2. Being in great physical condition
  3. Playing as a group to win

Decision Making:
我们的球员需要在一个强调沟通和决策的现场篮球环境中学习. 这些东西可以成就或破坏球员的发展和大学准备.

Individual Growth:
根据每个球员的优势和需要改进的地方进行训练. 你将使我们有机会赢得总冠军,而我们将使你有机会成为最好的球员和最有可能进入大学的人.

Basketball IQ:
增强玩家对游戏战略层面的理解. 通过游戏动作,现场练习代表,教学活动,电影研究

The Mental Game:
正念和自我照顾已经成为学生运动员可以学习获得优势的地方,可以极大地帮助他们的整体身心健康.  我们将提供必要的工具和练习,以保持领先的心理游戏

Strength & Conditioning:
We will be the best-conditioned athletes in the country.  our newly upgraded strength facility, beautiful outdoor conditioning areas, and nutritious dining cuisine. 是否会为我们的运动员提供一切必要的优势,让他们的身体为最高水平的比赛做好准备.

Our Coaching Staff


博彩网址大全学校很自豪地宣布,贾里德·格拉索(Jared Grasso)加入了我们的教练和领导团队,成为我们新的体育进步和招聘主管, and Head Coach of Varsity and PG Boys Basketball. The son of a legendary Long Island basketball coach, 格拉索教练是在他父亲的杰里科高中和阿德尔菲大学篮球训练的场边长大的. As a high school student-athlete, 格拉索成长为一名备受推崇的新兵,并被麦当劳提名为全美最佳球员. Anthony’s High School, and continued his education at Quinnipiac University, 在他成功的大学篮球生涯后,他在哪里获得了名人堂的地位.

格拉索在高水平运动中取得的成就使他在21年的大学校长和助理教练生涯中令人印象深刻, marked by unparalleled success in building programs, raising money and resources, winning championships, and developing talent. Notably, at just 29 years old, 他成为了福特汉姆大学最年轻的一级总教练. In addition to his tenure at Fordham, 他的早期职业生涯包括在昆尼皮亚克大学担任助理教练, Hartford, and Hofstra, where he honed his skills as a recruiter and strategist.

Read Coach Grasso's Full Bio

博彩网址大全学校很自豪地宣布,贾里德·格拉索(Jared Grasso)加入了我们的教练和领导团队,成为我们新的体育进步和招聘主管, and Head Coach of Varsity and PG Boys Basketball. The son of a legendary Long Island basketball coach, 格拉索教练是在他父亲的杰里科高中和阿德尔菲大学篮球训练的场边长大的. As a high school student-athlete, 格拉索成长为一名备受推崇的新兵,并被麦当劳提名为全美最佳球员. Anthony’s High School, and continued his education at Quinnipiac University, 在他成功的大学篮球生涯后,他在哪里获得了名人堂的地位.

格拉索在高水平运动中取得的成就使他在21年的大学校长和助理教练生涯中令人印象深刻, marked by unparalleled success in building programs, raising money and resources, winning championships, and developing talent. Notably, at just 29 years old, 他成为了福特汉姆大学最年轻的一级总教练. In addition to his tenure at Fordham, 他的早期职业生涯包括在昆尼皮亚克大学担任助理教练, Hartford, and Hofstra, where he honed his skills as a recruiter and strategist.

Throughout his collegiate tenure, Coach Grasso led teams to six NCAA Tournaments, two National Invitation Tournaments, and 2 Postseason Tournaments, 展示了他作为战略思想家和创新玩家开发者的能力. During this stretch of his career, 格拉索招募并指导了超过75名学生运动员,这些运动员后来进入了NBA等职业篮球生涯, G-League, Europe, South America, Middle East, Australia, Asia, and Africa. 

Grasso’s latest coaching tenure was at Bryant University, where he orchestrated a remarkable turnaround, transforming a struggling program into a national powerhouse. Under his guidance, 科比首次获得东北常规赛和锦标赛冠军, securing a historic NCAA Division Tournament berth. Grasso’s offensive acumen propelled Bryant’s rise, 这支球队在各种进攻类别中一直排名全国前十. Off the court, Grasso’s championship record, contagious leadership, and recruiting impact extended beyond the game, 科比大学在2022年NCAA锦标赛后打破纪录的新生就是明证. 

格拉索娴熟的筹款技巧也在建立最大的中型品牌之一方面发挥了关键作用, Image, Likeness (NIL) Collectives in all of college basketball. 这些努力进一步提高了格拉索在培养学者运动员方面作为全国公认的创新领导者的形象.

Prior to his tenure at Bryant, Grasso played a key role in Iona College’s unprecedented success, 贡献五个NCAA锦标赛出场和多个地铁大西洋运动会议锦标赛冠军.  

“我衷心感谢我们的校长, Virginia Riccardi, 感谢您把这个激动人心的新机会托付给我,” Grasso stated. “我渴望带头将博彩网址大全精英篮球发展计划转变为全球知名的学术卓越中心, elite player development, and holistic student-athlete growth.” 

Beyond basketball, 格拉索计划“专注于提供全面的成长体验, preparing our students for success at Knox and beyond.” Grasso explained, “我很高兴能与我们非常有才华的学生运动员合作, 我和我的家人都很高兴能在紧密联系的博彩网址大全家庭社区中影响年轻的生命.”

Knox National Postgraduate Roster:

Head Coach: Jared Grasso
Asst Coach & Director of Player Development: Malik Rhem

Welcome, Falcons – 2024/25 School Year

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